Cloverleaf Advocacy and Advocacy Awareness Week 2023 logo

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Carers Advocacy


Who might need this: anyone over 18 providing unpaid help and support to a loved one due to illness or disability.


Our Carers Advocates help carers to be more involved and have their voices heard in decisions that affect them.


Carers Advocacy is not a statutory service. This means that in different areas, there will be different criteria for being able to have support from an advocate.


How carers advocates can help



Who can make a referral?



Want to know more?


Our Carers Advocacy Factsheet will be available shortly.


Please contact us to find out what support we offer where you live.

01924 454875


Email us

Not the right type of advocacy for you? Try these:


Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy

Care Act Advocacy

Independent Mental Health Advocacy


Relevant Person’s Representative

Independent Health Complaints Advocacy

Non Statutory Community Advocacy

Self Advocacy