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Who might need this: people being assessed under Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards; people without a Relevant Person’s Representative; unpaid Relevant Person’s Representatives.


Independent Mental Capacity Advocates are known as IMCAs. They’re specially trained to support people who lack capacity and make sure their views and wishes are heard. They’re trained in the Mental Capacity Act and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.


It’s a statutory service. This means that, under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, local authorities must refer people who need an IMCA.


How a DoLS IMCA can help


If people can’t tell their advocate what they want, it’s not a problem. Our advocates will find different ways of working to help establish people’s views and wishes as far as possible so that their rights can be upheld. We call this ‘non-instructed’ advocacy.


Who can make a referral?


Want to know more?


Download our IMCA factsheet

Not the right type of advocacy for you? Try these:


Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy

Care Act Advocacy

Independent Mental Health Advocacy

Relevant Person’s Representative

Independent Health Complaints Advocacy

Non Statutory Community Advocacy

Carers Advocacy

Self Advocacy