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Independent Mental Health Advocacy


Who might need this: people detained under the Mental Health Act; people on a Supervised Community Treatment Order; people who’ve been conditionally discharged; people who are subject to a Guardianship Order.


Independent Mental Health Advocates are also known as IMHAs. They’re specially trained to support people with decisions about mental health care and treatment.


It’s a statutory service. This means that, under the Mental Health Act, the NHS and private care providers must provide people with information about their right to an IMHA. They should also make referrals to the service if someone wants or needs an advocate.


How independent mental health advocates can help


Who can make a referral?


Want to know more?


Download our IMHA Fact Sheet



Not the right type of advocacy for you? Try these:


Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy

Care Act Advocacy


Relevant Person’s Representative

Independent Health Complaints Advocacy

Non Statutory Community Advocacy

Carers Advocacy

Self Advocacy