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Voice & Influence North Lincolnshire


North Lincolnshire Voice and Influence supports the various people's voice groups that are already in place across the community and will be developing new groups through to the end of 2024.


We aim to assist existing groups to grow and develop, help them be meaningful to their members, and provide links to decision-makers so that the right people hear their concerns.


We link in with these groups because we are independent of the council and can help to see themes emerging from the groups.


We ensure that the views that are most important to the citizens and the partnership groups are reported back to the Adults Partnership and, hopefully, acted on.


The current groups that we work with include;

· Learning Disability Partnership

· Carers Advisory Group

· Experts by Experience

· Winterton Seniors Forum


We are currently working to establish new groups including;

· Autism Partnership

· Mental Health Partnership


There are two members of our team. We love to hear from our communities, so if you would like to know more about any of the groups or get involved, please get in touch.

Kate Banks – project coordinator

07715 233 914

Ayirene Bino – Network and Engagement Coordinator

07719 998745