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Barnsley Carers Service


Who might need this: anyone providing unpaid help and support to a loved one due to illness or disability.


Our Barnsley Carers Service supports adults who provide unpaid help and support to a loved one due to illness or disability.


We know that being a carer can impact your day-to-day life significantly. It can be both rewarding and isolating. You may be unable to work. Your own health can suffer as a result.


Our Barnsley Carers Service aims to promote the wellbeing of carers, so they can continue in their caring role and have a life of their own, by:


The service also runs regular financial clinics to help support unpaid carers. In addition to the above, this provision also provides: 



Here are some of the things we offer


Benefits - we can help with completing forms for Carers Allowance, Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children, Personal Independence Payments (PIP) and Attendance Allowance (AA).


Carers Assessments - we can help to complete the form to access other support you may need.


Support & Practical Help - for both the carer and the person they care for.

Social groups and activities - for the carer and the person they care for. Our groups can help you to meet other people in a similar situation, share experiences and support.


Ongoing emotional support - after bereavement.


We are also able to offer counselling sessions through our partnership with the local team at MIND.  


We also have additional carer support services for unpaid carers in Kirklees and Lancashire

Barnsley Carers Service

Want to know more?



Please contact us on 01226 288772 or

to find out how we might be able to help you. 


 Visit our website

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