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Carer Poverty Coalition



Working together to end poverty amongst carers


Cloverleaf Advocacy (including its Carers Count and Carer Services) has joined 100 national and local organisations to form the Carer Poverty Coalition


 Collectively, we will be campaigning to:


Every day across the UK, the work of unpaid carers helps hold society together – an invisible network of support, empathy and care for those who need it most.


There is a clear moral as well as economic argument for supporting unpaid carers to live on a decent level of income and for supporting those able to continue with paid work whilst caring. Better support for carers to stay in work has clear benefits to the wider economy by improving productivity and reducing unemployment. The value of unpaid care was estimated at £530 million per day and £193 billion per year during the pandemic.


This is a huge contribution to the NHS, social care and to society as a whole. Unpaid carers also provide a vital human connection as well as physical and emotional nourishment needed for our older people to thrive and enable people with disabilities and long-term illnesses to lead dignified, independent lives.


Find out more about the Carer Poverty Coalition. 


Carer Poverty Coalition