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How we've helped: Tessa’s Story



Tessa (name changed) contacted us because she wanted to make a complaint to a Hospital Trust about her husband’s care and treatment while he was an inpatient. She felt there had been a lack of communication with the family and there were issues around continuity of care.


Tessa was unsure how to make a formal complaint. Her Advocate ‘Claire’ explained the process to Tessa. Tessa told Claire that she - as well as the rest of her family - were very upset. Her husband had nearly died, and they wanted an explanation as to what had happened and an apology.


Tessa and Claire agreed Claire would draft a complaint letter using the information Tessa had shared about her concerns. When Tessa was happy with the letter, it was sent to the Hospital Trust, which led to an investigation.


Following the investigation, a response was received from the Trust. However, Tessa did not believe it addressed all the issues raised in her formal complaint letter. Tessa was offered a meeting by the Trust to discuss her concerns. She was initially reluctant to attend. Claire discussed with her what would happen at the meeting, and she felt more comfortable, deciding to go ahead with the meeting.

At the meeting, Tessa was able to express her concerns. Apologies were made and a general agreement emerged that improvements could be made in listening to relatives’ experiences and observations especially when diagnosis is unclear. It was also agreed improvements could be made in the quality of transfer. Tessa and her family were happy with this outcome.


Speaking of her advocate, Tessa said: “I would like to say a big thank you to my advocate for all they did for me, I cannot thank them enough, I am truly grateful.

My advocate has been an absolute gem, their care and support has taken so much stress away from me, Cloverleaf should be very proud of them. Should I need support in the future I will contact Cloverleaf. Thank you again for everything.”

How we've helped: Tessa’s Story