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RAD Partnership in Calderdale



We are delighted to announce that Cloverleaf is now working in partnership with the Royal Association for Deaf people (RAD) to provide specialist Independent Advocacy services to deaf people in Calderdale, West Yorkshire.  RAD will offer IMHA, IMCA, and Care Act Advocacy.


Suzi Henderson, Cloverleaf CEO, commented;


"We are delighted and extremely proud to be working with RAD in Calderdale. Their specialist Advocates will provide a vital service to deaf people in the area to ensure that their voices, views, and wishes are heard and that decisions are not made about them, without them. This partnership will strengthen the high-quality Advocacy provision in the area."  


Cloverleaf Service Managers Chris Scheller & Julia Faulkner added;


"We are very much looking forward to working with colleagues from RAD and the people who use the service, and are excited to see Advocacy being made more accessible to deaf people in Calderdale via the specialist Advocates."


We look forward to continuing to build our relationship with RAD in the future.


If you live in Calderdale and have any questions or need this specialist advocacy support, please get in touch:

Send a BSL video to:


Text: 07860 021502 

RAD Partnership in Calderdale